Easily order parts via drawing for your Kreidler engine

Technical drawings for Kreidler with five-speed gearbox and kickstart
Kreidler engines are known for being solid. But of course a part can sometimes break due to wear, lack of maintenance or other causes. In those cases it is nice to know that all parts for Kreidler engines can be ordered online in the JMPB Parts webshop. We also supply technical drawings of the 5 geared engines with direct kickstart or indirect kickstart.
Kreidler direct-geared five-speed engines
Kreidler's five speed direct-geared engines are perhaps Kreidler's most sought-after versions. Models with a four-speed gearbox are often converted to a five-speed. The technical drawings of JMPB are almost indispensable for such adjustments. The exploded views provide a perfect picture of all technical details. Here you will find exploded views of the gear mechanism, clutch and gearbox. Indispensable for anyone who tinkers with his Kreidler moped.
Kreidler with five gears and indirect geared
The same, of course, applies to the every Kreidler with five gears, kickstart and indirect geared. For example, if your Kreidler no longer shifts smoothly, there can be various causes, from incorrect adjustment to a defective locking pin or bolt. Whatever the cause, with JMPB's technical drawings you can carry out any repair yourself. We also have exploded views of the engine, gearbox, clutch and gear mechanism for the indirect geared Kreidlers. Everything worked out in detail!